Se rendre au contenu

.The competence of the EWC for the purposes of information and consultation relates to transnational questions which concern the whole group or those which concern at least two schools or undertakings located in two different Member States.

 Consequently, matters or projects limited to a single national territory are not within, the scope of the EWC, even if they concern several undertakings or schools in that territory.

The EWC meets in ordinary or extraordinary meetings.

Each year in December the EWC is consulted on the following topics regarding the Group: 

 The structure of the Group, as well as the detailed economic and financial situation of the Group and  of its subsidiaries.

❷Future development of the business. The current employment situation and its future development (including the/ Structure of workforce).

 The investments and the Group strategy. Fundamental organisational changes.

 Introduction of new working methods, new technologies and production development.

Transfer of services.

 Mergers and Acquisitions (and their impact), closure of divisions, disposals or closures of undertakings or establishments. Collective redundancies.

 Outsourcing initiatives and related economic and social impacts.

 Training CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Policies, including Diversity and Inclusion.

1st Meeting : ​Hambourg : January ,2023

2nd meeting : ​Visioconference: June,  2023

3rd meeting : ​Paris: December , 2023

4th meeting : ​Visioconférence- June , 2024

5th meeting : ​Paris: December ,2024